Well only one change really. We're moving! WOOOOO! Finally getting out of that cracker jack box we call a house and into a real house. 4 bedroom 1 and a half bath and beautiful! I was so lucky to stumble upon this place, a friend of my mine use to live there and he told me about it last month when he moved into his new place. He thought it would fit us perfectly and he was right! It has two bedrooms upstairs and a little apartment downstairs in the above ground basement. Score for me! I get my own little apartment inside the house. Plus it has the one amenity I have been wanting since I moved to WA... a fireplace! Actually, it has two! One in the living room upstairs and one in the living room in the basement. It also has huge windows and hardwood floors, plus a cool little backyard. I cannot wait to move! October 18th is the day and I have already started to countdown the days we have left in our current place. The next challenge? FIlling the new home with furniture.
That's about all that's been going on in my world lately. Now, back to my homework....