It started off with a trip to CA to help my new roomie, Lindsay, move from Temecula, CA to Bremerton, WA. The trip was super fast, we made it here in record time in our "SUV".
As you can see an Outback Suburaru is not an's basically a glorified station wagon. But we made it in one piece and she has been the best roommate I have ever had and is my new partner in crime.
Next, me, Andi and Lindsay drove all the way to Vancouver, WA (pretty much Portland) to meet up with Jen and her new husband Brett. Even though I attended Jen's wedding (obviously, I did a lot of hair and makeup for it) I never really met Brett. Needless to say I was curious to find out what he was like. I figured if Jen loved him, he must be ok. ;-) So after donuts at Voodoo donut in Portland and getting lost trying to go to dinner, we headed back over the stateline to Vancouver to see Tumbledown play. We all felt kind of awkward at the show at first, it was in a industrial complex and it looked as if we were crashing someone's office picnic. But once Tumbledown started we all had a blast. Brett is super funny and seems like a real good guy. The show was the best Tumbledown show I have seen to date and I was very glad I got to hang out with Jen and Brett before they left for a year to Boise, ID (booooo!)
Then the Fourth of July rolled around. I had been super busy with summer school and working full time, that by the time the Fourth rolled around I found myself with no plans at all. My friend Nicole then invited me and Lindsay to a mutual friend's lake house for food, fireworks and fun. It was such a fun Fourth and I ended up seeing a lot of other friends that day too. I also rode a jet ski for the FIRST TIME! So much fun. We topped off the night with fireworks over the lake and all agreed that this had been by far one of the best Fourth's ever.
Next up was Whaling Days. Whaling Days is basically a street fair/carnival and it's always full of good food, beer, rides and live music. This year in addition to the other live bands playing there, Tumbledown played as well. It was hot as hell that day, but me, my mom, my aunt and Andi braved the heat to enjoy the food and music.
So, that's been the summer so far. It's been amazing and so much fun and it's only half way through! Next month there's camping, Warped Tour, BBQ party, and much more. I cannot wait to see how the rest of the summer turns out. I hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am!
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