*The picture above is one of the first pics Josh and I took together once we started dating.
Josh and I are now engaged, although technically we've been engaged for a few months. Ever since we started dating he has been telling me he wants to marry me. He would ask about what type of ring I would want (his first suggestion for an engagement ring was a skull and cross bones ring...... cute but not something I would want to wear for the rest of my life) and dropping hints here and there that he wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together.
Five months later I found out I was pregnant, it freaked us out and made us so happy all at the same time. A few weeks after we found out, Josh and I were in the shower (like we are most mornings) and he asked me if I would marry him. I thought he was kidding, but he was serious. I said yes, of course. Baby or no baby, I love Josh and he's my best friend, I can't think of anyone I would rather spend the rest of my life with. With all the baby stuff going on, we didn't say much about being engaged. At first I was fine with that, I was secure in our relationship and that's all that mattered, but as time went on I started to get insecure, thinking maybe he asked me only because I was pregnant. Then we lost the baby, and we were both devastated. Part of me was scared that we wouldn't make it through this, that maybe it would break us up, but it made us stronger. He was so supportive through every part of the difficult process of the miscarriage, holding my hand when I was scared, letting me cry on his shoulder when I couldn't pretend I was fine anymore, waiting at doctor's offices and hospital waiting rooms with me so I wouldn't be alone.
Once everything was said and done with the loss of the baby, we decided to concentrate on happier things, like planning our wedding. As cute as getting proposed to in the shower was, I wanted to feel engaged, I wanted a ring and a proposal I could tell our future children. After we looked at rings and decided on one, we ordered it online and waited for it to come. Once it did, it sat in the living room waiting for Josh to pop the question. I'm not a patient person, so seeing it sit on the table was driving me crazy! Haha. Today was my day off from work, but I had promised Josh I would cut his hair and finally color it black. So we went into work and I made my handsome boyfriend even more handsome. As I was cleaning up and putting things away, Josh followed me into the break room. I was walking in front of him, going to grab my purse so we could leave and he started to say something about the first proposal not being appropriate, I didn't know what he was talking about so I turned around and there he was, on one knee with the ring, asking me if I would marry him. I was taken by complete surprise but of course I said yes... again.
So now, I feel we can announce to the world! We are engaged and we're getting married this October... at a Halloween themed wedding. :)

Made me cry! I'm so happy for you guys!
awe, i got all teary eyed... if you guys can survive the loss of a baby, you can survive anything. i so cant wait to meet you!!! joshie poo deserves the best, which means that is exactly what you are!
so wonderful!
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