Sunday, May 15, 2011

The story of how I got proposed to....twice

*The picture above is one of the first pics Josh and I took together once we started dating.

Josh and I are now engaged, although technically we've been engaged for a few months. Ever since we started dating he has been telling me he wants to marry me. He would ask about what type of ring I would want (his first suggestion for an engagement ring was a skull and cross bones ring...... cute but not something I would want to wear for the rest of my life) and dropping hints here and there that he wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together.

Five months later I found out I was pregnant, it freaked us out and made us so happy all at the same time. A few weeks after we found out, Josh and I were in the shower (like we are most mornings) and he asked me if I would marry him. I thought he was kidding, but he was serious. I said yes, of course. Baby or no baby, I love Josh and he's my best friend, I can't think of anyone I would rather spend the rest of my life with. With all the baby stuff going on, we didn't say much about being engaged. At first I was fine with that, I was secure in our relationship and that's all that mattered, but as time went on I started to get insecure, thinking maybe he asked me only because I was pregnant. Then we lost the baby, and we were both devastated. Part of me was scared that we wouldn't make it through this, that maybe it would break us up, but it made us stronger. He was so supportive through every part of the difficult process of the miscarriage, holding my hand when I was scared, letting me cry on his shoulder when I couldn't pretend I was fine anymore, waiting at doctor's offices and hospital waiting rooms with me so I wouldn't be alone.

Once everything was said and done with the loss of the baby, we decided to concentrate on happier things, like planning our wedding. As cute as getting proposed to in the shower was, I wanted to feel engaged, I wanted a ring and a proposal I could tell our future children. After we looked at rings and decided on one, we ordered it online and waited for it to come. Once it did, it sat in the living room waiting for Josh to pop the question. I'm not a patient person, so seeing it sit on the table was driving me crazy! Haha. Today was my day off from work, but I had promised Josh I would cut his hair and finally color it black. So we went into work and I made my handsome boyfriend even more handsome. As I was cleaning up and putting things away, Josh followed me into the break room. I was walking in front of him, going to grab my purse so we could leave and he started to say something about the first proposal not being appropriate, I didn't know what he was talking about so I turned around and there he was, on one knee with the ring, asking me if I would marry him. I was taken by complete surprise but of course I said yes... again.

So now, I feel we can announce to the world! We are engaged and we're getting married this October... at a Halloween themed wedding. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Your the love of a lifetime, to have and to hold..."

How the hell did I get so lucky?! Part of me is still waiting to wake up, but I guess this is not a dream. I found the guy that I have been looking for all along. He was right under my nose the whole time and I was blind to it. He treats me so well, I didn't even think it was possible to have someone love you this way. He makes me feel beautiful and amazing, strong and girly, smart and talented, like I'm the only girl in the world for him. We think a like on so many things, yet think differently on just enough things to make life interesting. I know I can always count on him to be there for me, be the shoulder to cry on, to be the one to make me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. He's my perfect match. He's my other half. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gwen Stefani, L'Oreal and Sugardaddy's

On Monday, James (the owner of the salon I work at, Sugardaddy's) and I, made the trek to Seattle to work back stage at the L.A.M.B / L'Oreal fashion show. It was such a wonderful experience and I walked away shocked by the rave reviews I got from some of the leaders in the industry and incredibly inspired by the work of the platform artists (when's our next photo shoot??? I have ideas I want to try out!!)

We started the day at the salon Marco Two Union Square at 9 in the morning to color the model's hair.


Marco was who James assisted under back when he was starting out. The salon was beautiful! And the staff was helpful and very talented. The model we worked with started off with hair that was washed out, blonde with dreary brown thrown in. Definitely did not compliment her beautiful features. After James and I collaborated with L'Oreal's portfolio artist, we decided to make her a stunning red head. Not only did we drastically change her color, we also decided to add on a good 5 inches to her length. So I tackled the task of coloring the platinum blonde extensions to match her beautiful new red.

This is our girl, prior to her wardrobe change:

Six hours later, all the models were colored, styled and ready for wardrobe! So we piled into the cars and headed to the Sky Church inside the Experience Music Project. That venue is bad ass!


Once we arrived at the venue the models got some last minute hair and making primping and started into wardrobe. During our little bit of a break, Kirsten Magrini who is the head of L'Oreal West Coast had James color her hair to a stunning pale blonde and then asked me to give her a 1940's pin-curl style (talk about nerve racking! This women is the top of the top!) This is Kirsten in her fabulous style, along with Maya Webb who is L'Oreal's head of education.


After working so hard all day, it was finally time for the show and the party! Everything came out beautiful and even though Gwen was not there, she was there in spirit and getting a glimpse of her Spring 2010 collection was amazing! Here's our model, in her amazing outfit.


And once the fashion show part of the evening was over, James, I and the rest of the Sugardaddy's crew enjoyed our night out and celebrated our hard work.



This was such an amazing experience! I was so happy that James had asked me to be involved and that I was able to meet so many amazing and talented people. Two of my absolute highlights of the evening was first when our model received the loudest cheers and most "wows" out of all the other models (go team Sugardaddy's!) Second was when Marco of Marco Two Union Square came up to me after the show and told me how amazing he thought I did and that I was going to revolutionize the industry. I was floored to have such a wonderful compliment come from such an accomplished stylist in the industry.

I guess I am kinda good at this hair thing after all. ;-)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Things change quickly...

How funny that my last post was me asking the Universe to send me someone to love and poof here he is. Well not poof really, we've been friends for a few years, but were never romantically involved until now. He's such a sweet guy and treats me so well. I'm one lucky girl.

This will be the first time in awhile that I've had a boyfriend during the holiday months. Which means I get to all the cutesy couple stuff again; kissing under the mistletoe, shopping for Christmas gifts together, visiting each other's families for the holidays, cuddling up on the couch and watching a christmas movie. I'm excited. Things feel a little more settled and normal now. I missed that feeling, I missed having a hand to hold.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Less then three

"I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love."

Just putting it out to the Universe. Please bring me someone to love, someone who has passion and desire. Someone meant for me.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Because you're worth it...

When Sugardaddy's became a L'Oreal flagship salon, James wrote a blog about it and what L'Oreal means to us on the salon's blog. One part of that blog really stuck with me, it was L'Oreal's mission statement, "Because you're worth it". Meaning that every woman, regardless of money should be able to feel beautiful about themselves. And growing up in a working class household with a single mom, I know what's it like to stop spending money on luxuries when money is tight.

So, on October 26th I will be doing all services at 50% off. So if you've ever wanted your hair cut or that fabulous new color and you thought you couldn't afford it, then call today to make your appointment with me for the 26th. And to make it convenient for every one to come in, I will extend my hours that day from 10am-9pm.

See ya at the salon! And please, share this with your friends!

Sugardaddy's Salon
834 Bay Street
Port Orchard

*50% off only applies to services done by me (Tiffany Miner) and space is limited.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sayonara, again...

A few months ago, I posted this blog:

If you never try, you'll never know

And then a little while later went back onto okcupid thinking maybe I was too harsh to judge, maybe I didn't try hard enough, blah blah blah. So I tried again, with the same results. Now I've deleted my account for the second time and this time for good. No more online dating. Done. Fin. No mas. It doesn't work for me.

IF there is a guy out there for me and right now that's a huge IF, he's not on there. I know it in my heart.

So Mr Right For Me, if you're out there I hope you find me some day. If not, well, then I guess I will be just fine.

Sayonara okcupid!